3-GIS integrated design into Vision helps in ensuring connectivity and future automation in your fiber area. A circuit path is then modeled out and monitored in Vision. Our Vision clients have the opportunity to take advantage of the included 3-GIS license. Using Fibersmith Engineering to design your fiber design in 3-GIS is also a great resource. Working with The Support Team ensuring your fiber workflow has all of the core pieces for your business will help increase your subscriber base!

3GIS diagram.png   Pie Chart.png

Key Features: 

When importing a fiber drop, your 3-GIS design will help in insuring connectivity

Help with future automation

Circuit path is modeled out in Vision

Uploading the KML shape file from 3-GIS into Vision will aid in mapping out your service area

Vision knows location and that matches what is in 3-GIS

Quick high level design

Design Drop WF.png   Task.png