Welcome to Vision! Learning the basics first will lay the foundation for your Vision experience. We understand learning a new system can be intimidating, so it's a wise move to start your search for knowledge here. Use this page as a checklist and a framework for knowledge. The clickable links will direct you to specific support help documentation.
Here are a few items to get you started as a new user to Vision:
Logging on for the first time? Look for the Verification Email you received for a link to click on before logging in. If you did not receive the verification email look in your spam, or your Vision Point-of-Contact can Resend the Verification Email. Bookmark the base URL of Vision (ex: companyname.fibersmith.systems)
Quick links:
- Implementation Process - The goals and processes of implementation.
- Freeze Week - What to expect during the data migration.
- FAQ - Find quick answers to commonly asked questions.
- Icon Glossary - Icons are helpful tools to help you to better navigate Vision.
- Key Terms to Know - The telecommunications industry comes with a vast amount of technical jargon and acronyms. This list will help you keep track of what you need to know.
- How to Optimize Your Vision Experience - Understand how to best run the Vision Software from your device.
- Knowledge Base - Dive right into step-by-step instructions with this extensive library of every module of Vision.
- Roles - The tools of Vision will be unique to your specific role within your company. Getting to know your section of the system first will quickly give you the confidence to explore more.
- How To Videos - Navigating the system becomes clear when you see it executed visually. Videos are provided to show step-by-step instructions throughout the knowledge base. To access our videos or keep up to date on new videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
- Release Notes - Release notes are posted on the support site after every new release for your reference.
- Learn More - Read the latest blog posts containing helpful how-to guides, tips, and documents for implementation.
- Marketing - Having the Marketing Tool fully integrated with your network allows you to easily manage and accurately assess touch points, leading to increased subscriber base growth.
- Public Shopping Cart - The public shopping cart allows subscribers to sign-up or show interest in a service offering. Your company can choose a custom URL that will direct customers to the public shopping cart.
How to Get Help:
- Use the
Help icon embedded in the Vision software to look up in the moment questions. It is located in the 3-dot menu in the top right-hand corner of Vision.
- Blog post and FAQs, found on the Support Site homepage, contain the most common questions and answers.
- The Support Site mirrors the Vision software and contains knowledge- based information and how-to documents.
- Reach out to your company’s Vision Point-of-Contact. Asking questions will best help us know where more focus needs to be spent.
- Your company’s Point-of-Contact can reach out to the Vision Support Team about additional training so we can best support your organization.