The public shopping cart allows subscribers to sign-up or show interest in a service offering. Your company can choose a custom URL that will direct customers to the public shopping cart. Your company’s shopping cart landing page will have a customizable message, contain your logo, and use your brand specific colors. Our Vision Support Team will help guide you through best practices and set up processes for your public shopping cart to be successful.
Learn more about setting up and editing Service Areas here.
Learn more about Vision's integrated Marketing Tool here.
Check out this video to get a quick understanding on how Vision's shopping cart works.
The public shopping cart homepage can display service areas in varying stages of construction. The service area status key lists the different statuses of the service areas for example, collecting interest, under construction, or fiber now available.
This tool allows potential subscribers to indicate interest in a planned service area, and makes it easy for them to check up on the service area status as it moves through the phases of construction.
A subscriber has the option to search for service two different ways — either by inputting their address, or dropping a pin directly on their rooftop.
Click on a service area to view the service area description. Make changes to this description under service area management. See examples below.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Click on the service area title to only view details of that specific service area. In this instance, the description will be displayed on the sidebar.
The gray circles on the map indicate a subscriber address. This can be a useful tool to pinpoint popular neighborhoods within a larger service area, or helps identify areas where service sign-ups are thriving or lacking.
A subscriber has the option to search for service two different ways — either by inputting their address, or dropping a pin directly on their rooftop.
The subscriber can search for service by entering their address. Start by clicking on the Enter Address button on the left side bar.
Enter address information and select SEARCH.
Confirming that the address is correct will then prompt the address to be validated based on mailing records. Selecting the accurate address from the menu list will redirect the subscriber to the shopping cart. Skipping address verification makes it unable to be added into the system.
After validating their address in shopping cart Alpha the subscriber would be directed to fill out contact information in order to move on to the next step of choosing a service offer.
After validating their address and adding contact information, the subscriber will be directed to their shopping cart with available offers in their service area. Service offers are specific to each service area and allow packages and prices to change between service areas if desired. This ensures a subscriber will only see active offers in their area. Through the onboarding process the Support Team will help set up your Public Shopping Cart and can work with you to model out your service packages in the cart. Those packages can be edited, but that will help get you started.
Your Public Shopping Cart may be set up for Business and/or Residential subscribers. Our Support Team can set the filter of service types to default to Residential if you would like. Then customers can click the Business filter button if they wish to view the business packages offered.
The subscriber can select show packages to show more details of the packages.
Filter the type of service offer displayed by selecting or deselecting the available options to the left of the offers.
To select the desired offer, click the icon. To remove the choice, click the
Now available in the shopping cart is promo codes, subscribers can input a code to recieve a discount from a provider or customer referral.
Review the selected offer(s), then click PROCEED.
After confirming their offer selection, the subscriber will be prompted to input their invoice delivery method preference.
Invoices can either be delivered in the mail or by email and selecting an invoicing preference now will save that information for future invoices. The invoice will be sent when it is generated for the billing cycle, not at the time of sign-up.
Select a payment type from the dropdown menu, then enter the payment type information. Select CHECKOUT to confirm the payment.
Requiring payment at checkout allows you to be paid when service is ordered and before it is even installed. This tool also makes it possible to charge a standard fee for service sign-ups in an area where construction has yet to take place.
To complete payment, click CONFIRM.
A confirmation message will be displayed after a successful sign-up. You can edit the confirmation message under Service Area Management.
The shopping cart starts with a subscribers contact information where they fill it out to be able to recieve information from the provider and create a username and password for thier account.
After creating an account, the subscriber will be directed to verify their address to allow for the best services in their area.
Confirming that the address is correct will then prompt the address to be validated based on mailing records. Selecting the accurate address from the menu list will redirect the subscriber to the shopping cart. Skipping address verification makes it unable to be added into the system.
After validating their address in the shopping cart Charlie, the subscriber would be directed to their shopping cart with available offers in their service area. Service offers are specific to each service area and allow packages and prices to change between service areas if desired. This ensures a subscriber will only see active offers in their area. Through the onboarding process the Support Team will help set up your Public Shopping Cart and can work with you to model out your service packages in the cart. Those packages can be edited, but that will help get you started.
Your Public Shopping Cart may be set up for Business and/or Residential subscribers. Our Support Team can set the filter of service types to default to Residential if you would like. Then customers can click the Business filter button if they wish to view the business packages offered.
The subscriber can select show packages to show more details of the packages.
Filter the type of service offer displayed by selecting or deselecting the available options to the left of the offers.
To select the desired offer, click the icon. To remove the choice, click the
Now available in the shopping cart is promo codes, subscribers can input a code to recieve a discount from a provider or customer referral.
Review the selected offer(s), then click PROCEED.
After confirming their offer selection, the subscriber will be prompted to CHECK OUT.
Select a payment type from the dropdown menu, then enter the payment type information. Select CHECKOUT to confirm the payment.
Requiring payment at checkout allows you to be paid when service is ordered and before it is even installed. This tool also makes it possible to charge a standard fee for service sign-ups in an area where construction has yet to take place.
To complete payment, click CONFIRM.
A confirmation message will be displayed after a successful sign-up. You can edit the confirmation message under Service Area Management.
The subscriber can search for service by entering their address. Start by clicking on the Enter Address button on the left side bar.
Enter address information and select SEARCH.
Confirming that the address is correct will then prompt the address to be validated based on mailing records. Selecting the accurate address from the menu list will redirect the subscriber to the shopping cart. Skipping address verification makes it unable to be added into the system.
After validating their address, the subscriber will be directed to their shopping cart with available offers in their service area. Service offers are specific to each service area and allow packages and prices to change between service areas if desired. This ensures a subscriber will only see active offers in their area. Through the onboarding process the Support Team will help set up your Public Shopping Cart and can work with you to model out your service packages in the cart. Those packages can be edited, but that will help get you started.
Your Public Shopping Cart may be set up for Business and/or Residential subscribers. Our Support Team can set the filter of service types to default to Residential if you would like. Then customers can click the Business filter button if they wish to view the business packages offered.
The subscriber can select show packages to show more details of the packages.
Filter the type of service offer displayed by selecting or deselecting the available options to the left of the offers.
To select the desired offer, click the icon. To remove the choice, click the
Now available in the shopping cart is promo codes, subscribers can input a code to recieve a discount from a provider or customer referral.
Review the selected offer(s), then click PROCEED.
After confirming their offer selection, the subscriber will be prompted to input their contact information and an invoice delivery method preference. This is also where they can create a username and password for their subscriber account. See more information below.
Invoices can either be delivered in the mail or by email and selecting an invoicing preference now will save that information for future invoices. The invoice will be sent when it is generated for the billing cycle, not at the time of sign-up.
Select a payment type from the dropdown menu, then enter the payment type information. Select CHECKOUT to confirm the payment.
Requiring payment at checkout allows you to be paid when service is ordered and before it is even installed. This tool also makes it possible to charge a standard fee for service sign-ups in an area where construction has yet to take place.
To complete payment, click CONFIRM.
A confirmation message will be displayed after a successful sign-up. You can edit the confirmation message under Service Area Management.
Your customers can schedule their installation through the Public Shopping Cart. Our Vision Team will work with your team during the setup of the Public Shopping Cart and turn on that feature, so it is operational. Essentially, a customer is prompted to pick their ideal installation time after they select a service package and enter in their contact information. If they do not want to schedule an install time right there in the moment they can select a “Skip for Now” button and they will still be able to complete the check out process.
Once they have completed the process and selected an install option, they will be brought to a confirmation page and will be able to view their chosen package, the invoice amount, and the date and time of the install. The confirmation page is a feature that can be edited to work best.
This will kick off a workflow and create a task for the installation. The task will be assigned to a Vision User, and you will be able to see that this type of task was kicked off from the Public Shopping Cart.
After a customer completes their shopping cart selections they will automatically be entered into Vision as a Lead. Once the workflow is worked their status will flip. Even if they for whatever reason do not complete the sign up process or click out before they schedule an install time, Vision will capture their information that they entered to save that as a lead.
When a Vision User has that new Subscriber Account open they can quickly look at the Workflow Processes card and see the install workflow that was launched. Or from the All tab you can see in the history when the package and install workflow came through from the Shopping Cart.
There will be available time slots for installations. Customers select a button corresponding to their preferred time slot.
Example of a confirmation page.
Example of a workflow task scheduled through the public shopping cart.
Example of a Subscriber All tab from a Subscriber Account.
Example of a Workflow Processes card, showing the install workflow launched through the Public Shopping Cart.
Having the subscriber create a Portal User Account when they sign-up for a service is an additional feature available in the shopping cart. You can disable, make optional, or require this feature via Service Area Management.
The subscriber completes their information and then can click PROCEED.
Interest package offers in the shopping cart work similar to service packages. The subscriber will enter their address into the system to see what services are available in their area. If there are no active services with the subscribers address they would be directed to fill out contact information to get updates on construction of fiber or wireless. The subscriber may decide to sign up for the fiber interest package and until the fiber construction is finished buy your wireless service.
The interest package will then prompt the customer to enter their information, and complete the checkout process, however the total will be $0.00.
Subscribers will fill out their contact information. For an interest package the total price will be displayed as $0.00. Then they will select SUBMIT to confirm.
A confirmation message will be displayed after a successful sign-up. You can edit the confirmation message under Service Area Management.