First of all, a huge thank you to all who attended our inaugural Users Conference! We could not have made this possible without all of you! If you were not able to make it to Columbia, Missouri do not worry we will host again next year. It was an enormous thrill to see the amount of support and feedback we received from all of our users. We hope that you walked away with more knowledge of Vision, but also with network connections.

We welcomed everyone to Columbia and made introductions at the Broadway Hotel Rooftop. The Broadway shows off Columbia views at their finest and it was a great kickoff to the conference. The first full day was hosted at the Atrium on Tenth. It is an historic building located in downtown Columbia, only a short walk from the hotel. Guest enjoyed breakfast and mingled before the first classroom session. During the welcome, it was great to meet and hear where all of our clients traveled from. Our team was thrilled to see the participation and to see this conference come to life!

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We introduced the roadmap of where Vision is headed from now to 2024, including new integrations and marketing tools. We discussed common obstacles, workflows, and how to scale your business. Specifically, that using workflows will help scale your business. “Everyone is going to scale based off process,” said Josh Johnson, CIO of Fibersmith. All employees need to understand their piece of the workflow. “Don’t worry about perfections at first, work through the details and continue to cycle through, said Josh. The window of readiness will be different for every client.”

We were lucky enough to be able to have a sit-down chat with Corey Klinck, CTO of ValleyNet. We learned how they started with processes when implementing Vision. In turn, it showed them where the bottlenecks were and where they should be using their resources. “Everyone zooms in on their one little thing and doesn’t look at the big picture,” said Corey. We discovered how they looked at the bigger picture and how they communicate within their company to make that happen. They went from fifty turn ups in a month to seventy-six in one week. Thank you again Corey for all of your knowledge and insight!

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We discussed our marketing tools and features, such as using the online shopping cart, tools for online signups, and how to collect interest and leads. It is important to share information about fiber with your leads, so they become a more educated buyer once they are ready for a turn up. We heard more about marketing practices our customers are currently using. For example, door hangers, word of mouth, and Facebook posts. Overall, we were able to share information about how to inform our customers and educate future buyers.

On day two we had time to network and share in round table discussions. We also had the opportunity to hear Dr. Tommy Karam, a business and marketing professor at LSU, speak about building your personal brand. He posed the questions, “What is your personal brand?” And, “What do people think when they think about you?” He stated that 38% of the most impact comes from your tone of voice and 55% from your facial expression. He pointed out valuable information when thinking about building your business and simple things that you can change to become more approachable.

We enjoyed conversations with everyone within the group and within individual conversations. We hope that you and your team benefited from key items and takeaways. We introduced the “Top 10 List” in which the clients who attended had the opportunity to email in their list of 10 items that they are wanting or needing. Those varied based on the client. We looked through those to see what needs our clients are looking for. We are always here to promote best practices, teach, and learn from your feedback. Hope to see you next year!

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Feedback from conference attendees - 

"Vision's User Conference was more than expected. The Fibersmith team was very knowledgeable of their product, all questions asked were answered or had a time period attached. Looking forward to working with with them and improving our business flow."

"The interaction with the Fibersmith team and other users is highly beneficial. Our team received a broader grasp of the vision for Vision and functionality of the software which greatly motivates adoption across our departments."