Use Chrome or Firefox to access Vision.
Does your homepage load with a lot of Dashboard data cards? Every time you login to Vision, your Dashboard cards may be trying to pull new numbers or load in the background as you navigate to accounts. Only proactively load your Dashboard when needed. If your Vision homepage loads the Dashboard automatically, clear it using the following steps:
Go to the
Select RESET HOME PAGE to view the map as your base homepage.
Go back to the
Web extensions can be notorious for slowing down your internet experience since they are constantly acquiring and assessing data in the background. Make sure that you only have active extensions for the information that you really need. You can even change the settings to dictate how and when they are allowed to gather information so that Vision isn't hampered by additional loading time. It can also be helpful to clear the browser cache to help with load times.
How you have your base map layers configured can dictate how long your Vision homepage takes to load. Be sure to double check that only the layers that you actually need to see on a daily, or on an hourly basis are selected. Sometimes having too much location-specific data loading on the map can slow down Vision.
To check your settings, go to the
Click the gear icon on the righthand side of the map to display your layer settings.
Select the toggle layers
Don't forget to update and save any layer changes.
DISPLAY ON MAP — Map's current view will change but defaults will be unchanged.
SAVE SETTINGS AND DISPLAY — Settings changes will persist the next time the map is reloaded.
Checking the "Show Layer" or "Enable Layer by Default" will save the display changes and display those layers on the map each time the page loads. These can be found under categories within the