Mobile Navigation

Vision is a cloud-based system and is built with the mobility of the outside workforce in mind. The system is set up to be viewed easily on mobile devices to allow for remote operation.

Sharing these tips and examples with your employees in the field will help them become more productive Vision Users. If there is an area of concern or your team has questions, your Vision Point-of-Contact can reach out to the Support Team, and they can assist.

Overflow Menu 

Below is a sample view of the Overflow Menu (3-Dot Menu) represented in the iOS view and in the Android view.

Overflow Menu.png           Android Dashboard View .jpg


Navigate to your Dashboard using the overflow menu (3-dot menu). From the Dashboard you can tap into your tickets or tasks to view more details. 


Tickets and Tasks 

You can tap assignments under the overflow menu. There you can view your tickets and tasks or your group’s tickets and tasks.

Assigned to You.png

Selecting tickets assigned to you will bring you to your list of tickets. There you can view the ticket ID, Subscriber, Status, etc. Tap into the ticket ID number to see the ticket you want to view. 

My Tickets.jpg          Ticket Details.jpg

Selecting tasks assigned to you will bring you to your list of tasks. Tap on the task you want to view. There you will see the task and the workflow details. Tap on the drop downs to view more information. Tap the workflow ID to view the subscriber associated with the workflow. Tap the 3-dot menu next to the workflow ID to view the workflow, add attachments, etc.

Task View.png
WF_2.jpg           Add Attachment to WF.jpg

Subscriber Account Page 

From the ticket view, you will also be able to view the Subscriber Account Page. The subscriber’s name will be displayed at the top of the page and all info tabs will be below that. Tap on the individual drop downs to access more details, such as the services tab and the portal tab. There will also be the FAB and where you can add a ticket, take a payment, add contact information, etc.

Sub Account.jpg           Sub Account Details.jpg
Sub Account Services.jpg           Sub Account Portal.jpg
FAB Sub Account.jpg

Main Menu 

In the upper left-hand corner tap the main menu.

Main Menu.png


From the main menu select Calendars  to access the company wide calendar. Tap to filter or tap display to change the calendar displays.


Click the FAB to schedule a new calendar event. Fill in the details and tap CONFIRM.

Schedule Event.png