BDC Reporting

Regulatory - BDC Reporting

To navigate your way to Broadband Data Collection reporting to see; Submissions, Fabric Releases, Mapping, and Polygons, first click the Main Menu , then select the Operations  section. In the Operations section the next step is to select the Regulatory  section, in the Regulatory section there will be a section called BDC Reporting that holds all the information regarding your BDC data. 



Under the Submission tab inside BDC Reporting will host the submission data that your company received by the FCC. This section will display your FCC Registration Number (FRN), Provider ID, Entity Name, Submission Type, Submission Status, and Filing Window. By clicking into a submission more information regarding the submission; for example, the attributes, availability that shows the location and technology in the area of the BDC submission area, Subscriptions, exceptions, and the output of the report. 

To add a submission into Vision click on the FAB in the bottom right corner. This is where information regarding the FCC's dataset will need to go as well as the type and status will be requirred to keep the records up to date.

Fabric Releases

The fabric releases are datasets from the FCC of all the locations in the United States that display where fixed broadband services are available or unavailable at the time of the release. These datasets are released every 6 months and will need to be updated in Vision when a new release is distributed. 

To add a Fabric Release the floating action button  in the lower right corner will direct you to add a customizable name for the fabric release to be known by and the release date of the fabric data.

The attributes of the Fabric releases can be found after clicking on a specific release. This will also be the place to find which data files were used for the import to give an understanding of the information that was imported. 


Under the Mapping section of BDC Reporting is where you can find all the data points and addresses that were in the Fabric Release on a map to have a quick view of all the locations in service areas. The mapping section will show all the service locations giving the option to Auto Tie or Manual tie to is corresponding fabric location. This section is used to connect your companies service locations and the FCC locations together to get more data on where services are available and where is the next area that should be focused on for further growth. 


The Polygons are drawn service areas that can named and labeled based on their type and status. The shapes can be made to fit your active service locations and they are able to be changed and redesigned when more locations are added into your service area. 

To add a Polygon click on the floating action button  in the lower right corner will direct you to add the name of the polygon and the status. There is the option to upload service area polygons or draw the shapes on a map.