Service Items, Packages, Offers, and Areas

Posted by cschemmer at 4:30 PM on Oct 11, 2022


Vision builds services on top of one another to create a package in a unique way that allows services to be associated with subscribers, hardware, and a location.

Service Item > Service Package > Service Offer > Specific Service Area

All services begin with a service item. Service items can then be grouped to form a service package. Service packages are then added to a service offer. Service offers are then able to be offered in specific service areas. This allows what you sell to be tied to where you sell it — allowing you to control where specific packages are offered, how much they cost and what they include. 

Service Item:

Service Items can be anything from physical assets, like hardware and equipment, to logical assets like circuits and services. Service items in the system include their name and description, as well as the item category. The system lists all applicable provisioning details for the service item as well.

Service Package:

The service package is what you are selling. Service packages can be set to three different stages within the system.

Development- Packages in development are under construction. A package set at development is still able to be edited, but can’t be tied to a subscriber, location or hardware.

Production- Packages in production are currently being sold. Changing a package to production allows it to be tied to an account but makes it unable to be edited.

Archived- Archived packages are no longer sold but could still be active on a subscriber’s account. 

Service Offer:

The service offer is when and where you are selling that package.

Be sure the Service Offer is set up and tied to the correct Service Area.

Service offers are then made available for the subscriber to select during the sign-up process in the public shopping cart.

Service Area:

Associating a service offer with a specific service area is what allows a subscriber to only see offers that are available to them at their specific address. 

Service areas can be a useful communication tool to use for current and prospective subscribers, especially when communicating about the progress or phases of a fiber build.

Service areas can be used to communicate a variety of information, like phased fiber construction progress, potential expansion opportunities and wireless speed predictions. It's also a versatile tool to keep employees up-to-date and more informed when speaking to current or potential subscribers. 

Commonly Asked Questions

What if the pin is not in the service area? 

Make sure that the pin is placed on the correct rooftop first.

  • Search for and select the desired subscriber. 
  • Click on the Locations tab, then select the desired address from the list of locations. 
  • Select the Survey tab.
  • Toggle to satellite view and zoom in on the location pin. Make sure that the pin is placed correctly on the house rooftop. Move the pin directly onto the appropriate rooftop if it is not placed correctly. 

Only users with the correct permissions are able to make changes to the service area.

What’s the difference between a service package and a service offer? 

The service package is what you are selling, whereas the service offer is where you are selling that package. The service offer is what ties the subscriber package to their location. 

I’m trying to sign up a subscriber but the package isn’t displaying in the shopping cart. What do I do? 

Double check to make sure that the offer is not expired. Be sure there is a Service Offer set up and tied to the correct Service Area.

  • Admin utilities > Service offers > Select offer > Edit: Select a service offer and click EDIT in the bottom right hand corner to make changes to the offer. 

View the start and end dates of an offer to make sure that the offer is not expired. If the offer is expired, click on the specific date to make changes.


Where do I set up the taxing information? 

Taxes are configured under a specific service item.

  • Admin utilities > Service item > Select service item > Edit: Click on the specific service item to view details. 

Select EDIT in the bottom right hand corner to make changes to the taxation. 

  • Service item > Edit > Tax attributes: Begin typing the numerical attributes of a specific tax type in the “Tax item type” menu, then select an option from the drop-down menu. Click EDIT to finalize and save the changes. 

Why is a specific package not displayed in the shopping cart? 

  • Make sure that the package type is correct.
    • Double check that a residential account is displaying residential offers and that a business account is displaying business offers. 
    • The account type is displayed on the subscriber account page in the upper left hand corner. 
  • Check that the service area is correct. 
    • Admin utilities > Service area management > Select service area > Edit: Click on the specific service area, then select EDIT in the bottom right hand corner. 

Click on the “Map” tab. 

  • Subscriber > Locations > Survey: Select the subscriber, then click on the Locations tab. Click on the specific address under “Service Locations,” then select the Survey tab.
  • Display the service area(s) on the map by clicking on the Toggle Layers tab on the right side of the map. Select Service Areas and check the Show Layer box. Select the Service Area(s) to display from the drop-down menu.

Make sure that the subscriber’s location (indicated by the red pin) is in fact within the service area.


How do I change the pricing? 

Pricing is changed on the package level. Only packages that are in development are able to be changed on the pricing level. Packages in production or those that are archived are not able to be edited. 

What is the difference between the offer name and description? How are they displayed in the shopping cart?

The offer name is the title that will display in the shopping cart. The description displays as a description of the offer in the shopping cart. 


How do I add services to a subscriber account? 

Click on the plus-circle (1).svg icon in the bottom righthand corner of the subscriber summary page, then select the shopping_cart-24px.svg icon to add a service. 

Select the applicable subscriber address and then select a package to add to the account. 


Toggle between business or residential packages if applicable.


Click on the plus-circle (1).svg to select the applicable package, then click on CONFIRM OFFER SELECTION.
