
The Subscribers page within Operations houses all reports related to your Subscribers and Leads. This is very useful in tracking not only the growth of your base, but also its potential. Click a Report type to build a new report.


Under the Reports tab, select the report you want to build. Choose from categories Subscribers, Packages, or Leads. Fill out the necessary information for the report. When ready click CREATE REPORT.

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The subscriber report will display the subscriber address information in columns. Click on the arrow next to the column label to filter the search results.Click on the gear  icon to select the columns you would like displayed.

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Once the Report is built you'll have the option to create a Dashboard card, download as an HTML or CSV and create an event or campaign for the selected subscribers.

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Add Campaign  

Click on the ADD CAMPAIGN button in the bottom right to create a new marketing campaign based off of the selected subscribers. 


Choose a Marketing Campaign from the dropdown menu, or click on Add New Campaign to create a new marketing campaign.  


Select ADD SUBSCRIBER ASSOCIATIONS to add the selected subscriber list to the specific campaign. 


Add Event  

Click on the ADD EVENT button in the bottom righthand corner. 


Click on the dropdown menu to choose a network event


Select a network event then click on ADD SUBSCRIBER ASSOCIATIONS to add subscribers to that specific network event. 



This is a list of Subscribers who have referred other subscribers or leads to your company. Click a Subscriber to be taken to their Subscriber Account Page or people-24px.svg to view Active Referrals.

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Subscribers Referral Options

If you would like to set up the new ways Vision offers a subscriber to refer a friend, family member, or coworker to your company, please reach at to our support staff to enable this feature to the Subscriber Portal. A subscriber can go into their portal under the main menu  and click on "Refer a Friend"  there it will show the subscribers referral code and link to which they can send to another person.

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Unique Links

The unique link will direct the referred friend to the online shopping cart with the referral code already applied to the shopping cart when they select an offer. After selecting the offer the subscriber will continue throughout the checkout procedure by filling out their contact information, and portal account to finish the online shopping cart process. 


QR Codes

A subscriber can send a friend a QR code in which the friend can scan the QR code that will send them directly to the online shopping cart to select an offer and fill out contact information. To find the QR code the subscriber will go to their portal and under "Refer a Friend"  they will click the PDF icon  and the QR code will be displayed as a PDF in a HTML link that will be automatically opened when the subscriber clicks on the PDF icon  

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4-digit Code

To find the 4-digit code the subscriber will go to their portal, in the Main Menu  under Refer a Friend  there will be a unique 4-digit code that is specifically connects that subscriber to a friend uses that code when signing up for a new service. 
