Recurring Payments

Recurring Payments and Payment Methods are shown at the top of the page followed by past transactions.

If a Payment Method is set to recurring, it will always display a start date under the start column, as well as term details (like every 1 month(s) on day 1). 

Learn more about: 


Recurring Payments.png

Add Recurring Payments Method

When taking a Subscriber Payment, you can choose to save a payment method and setup Automatic Recurring Payments. Select Credit Card as the payment type. Enter the card information and then click the toggles.


Choose when recurring Payments will start and end, how often they repeat and on what day. When finished, click ADD RECURRING.

This sets up a recurring payment on the first of each month with no end date

View a Recurring Payment Method

On the Subscriber's Payments tab, click on the Recurring Payment Method to view more information about the Payment method.

The payment method response log will track every payment (or payment attempt) made using this method. It will also display the corresponding transaction ID numbers and the payment response. 

The response logs will also indicate if a payment method has been declined, or if there is an error with a specific payment method. 

Refer to your payment processor for more information regarding specific payment error codes.

Payment Method Response Logs.png

Edit or Delete a Recurring Payment

Click on the Recurring Payment under the Payments tab that you want to edit or delete.

Select EDIT in the bottom righthand corner. From there, change the payment start date, end date and when/if the payment will repeat.

Click UPDATE to save those changes or click DELETE to delete that Recurring Payment. 


Select EDIT in the bottom righthand corner. 

Click Edit.png

From there, change the payment start date, end date and when/if the payment will repeat.

Click UPDATE to save those changes.

Click DELETE to delete that Recurring Payment. 

Update or Delete.png

Add Recurring Credit

To add a new Recurring Payment Credit, click the add_circle-24px.svg and then select the Add Payment button credit_card-24px.svg.


From the "Select Payment" dropdown, choose Credit as the payment type.

Select Credit_2.png

Choose the appropriate Credit type from the dropdown menu, such as a bundle discount. (To edit or add Credit Types, including editing a Credit Type to Recurring, visit the Credits section under Admin Utilities.)

Toggle the toggle-switch.svg button to create an Automatic Recurring Credit, then select ADD CREDIT. (Credit types that are not set to Recurring under Credits in Admin Utilities, will not have the toggle button.) 

Setup Recurring.png

Click CONFIRM to confirm recurring credit.

Confirm Credit.png

Change the terms of the Recurring Credit, like the start/end date or how often the Credit repeats. You can also associate a package with the credit.


Add Recurring.png

Edit Recurring Credit

Click on the Payments tab. Then click on the Account Credit under the Recurring Payments that you want to edit.

Edit Recurring Credit.png

Then click EDIT in the bottom righthand corner. 

Account Credit.png

The Account Credit tab allows you to make changes to the Recurring Credit. Make changes to the credit amount or associate a package with the credit. You can also assign the credit as a Bundle Discount or a Referral.

Click UPDATE to save changes. 

Update Credit.png