
Vision Hardware management allows users to quickly and easily view all information pertaining to a particular piece of Hardware. View Locations, associated Subscribers, Purchase Order information, and more. Use the PON view to more easily understand how your Hardware fits into your Network. Tying everything together allows users to more quickly resolve issues and limit downtime for your Subscribers.

View Hardware

The Hardware page shows all items within your Network. Use the search tools to find specific items or click on an item to be taken to the hardware view page.

Filter, sort, and search to find and view specific pieces of hardware. Change the order with which the information is displayed by clicking on the column title and selecting from the drop-down menu. 

Hardware List.png

Click on the settings-24px.svg icon in the top right corner to select the displayed columns. 

columns-2.PNG   Displayed Columns.png

Click into the specific piece of hardware you want to view. Then you will be brought to the hardware view page. The hardware view is broken down into attributes (MAC Address, location, product type, etc.), Purchase Order information, and a map view of the Location.

Attributes Box.png

At the top of the hardware view page, the attributes box will display the following options:

  • settings-24px.svg - Vendor Hardware Config
  • people-24px.svg - Associated Subscribers
  • call_split-24px.svg - View Usage
  • alarm_on-24px.svg - View Monitoring Alarms
  • swap_horiz-24px.svg - Connect or Swap the Device
  • event-24px.svg - View or Add associated Network Events
  • attachment-24px.svg - View or Add Attachments
  • directions-24px(1).svg - Get Directions/Drive-time to a location
  • create-24px.svg - Manually edit the Hardware

There are links for the IP Address, the Model on the Manufacturer page, the current Location and the associated Warehouse.

Hardware Info.png

The Purchase Order box will show you all the information from when this piece of Hardware was purchased. Click the Purchase Order number to be taken to that PO.


The Map View box will display the location pin on the map.

Map View.png

Advanced Search

Click on the advanced search  icon to search keywords. You can filter search results but manufacturer, product type, and manufacturer model. You can also limit results by 50 or 100 for example.

Advanced Search_2.png
Manufacturer_2.png    Product Type_2.png   Limit.png

Vendor Configuration 

Click into the specific piece of hardware you want to view. Then you will be brought to the hardware view page. Next click the gear settings-24px.svg icon to view the vendor configuration. Here you have the options to add provisioning, change the IP address or remove provisioning. Some of these options may change based upon the device being configured. Below are examples of those vendor configurations. 
Hardware View Page.png
Hardware View Page_2.png

Example 1: 


Example 2: 

Hardware Config.png

Example 3: 

Hardware Config_2.png

For applicable devices, the Calix Support Cloud function is available from the hardware config tab. 


The ability to edit the provisioning record is available from the Calix Cloud Config tab. 


View Associated Subscribers

Click the View Subscriber people-24px.svg ​​​​​​icon on top of the hardware view page. The Circuits tab displays associated Subscribers with this piece of Hardware. In the bottom right you can see the total Subscribers and the total speed commited.


The Service Items tab displays Service Items associated with the Hardware.


View Usage

Click the View Usage call_split-24px.svg icon on top of the hardware view page. Here you can see the total number of each Circuit Type.


View Alarms

Click the View Alarms alarm_on-24px.svg icon on top of the hardware view page. Here you can view all Monitoring alarms associated with this Hardware. Click the drop down to view more information.


Alarm Details.png

Connect/Swap Device

Click the Connect/Swap Device swap_horiz-24px.svg icon on top of the hardware view page.

Attributes Box.png

Here you can swap Hardware and move the old device to a different Warehouse. Click call_split-24px.svg to view affected Circuits and people-24px.svg to view affected Subscribers.


The hardware swap function will move: 

  • Old inventory item from the current location to the specified new location
  • New inventory item to the location of the old item
  • Circuits tracked in Vision from the old item to a compatible port on the new item
  • IP address from the old item to the new item

If there is an error, the system will display an error message. For example, the new device already has circuits attached.

Service Item tieback updated. Integrated software platforms will need to be updated, that is done through the vendor config cog.

Search for the new device under Find New Device, then select a location where the old device will be moved from the drop-down menu. Select SWAP to switch the devices.  

Swap Device.png

View Network Events

Click the Network Events event-24px.svg icon on top of the hardware view page. Here you can view associated Network Events. Click on an event to open up the Network Events page. Click ADD EVENT to create a new event directly from the Hardware page.



Click the Manage Attachments attachment-24px.svg icon on top of the hardware view page. Here you can view and add attachments associated with this hardware.


Edit Hardware

Click the Edit Hardware create-24px.svg ​​​​​​icon on top of the hardware view page. Editing a piece of Hardware allows you to move it to a new Location. Relocating equipment might be necessary if the equipment needs to be replaced or swapped out for whatever reason.

This function makes it possible to associate a device with its specific spatial location, as well as associate it with the service item and subscriber. 

Click on the drop-down menu to move the hardware to a warehouse or a subscriber location. 

Screenshot 2022-02-09 110608.png

 Search for the specific warehouse or subscriber location.

Screenshot 2022-02-09 110018.png

 The search field will populate matches to the search. Select an option, then click UPDATE to save changes. 

Screenshot 2022-02-09 110036.png

Under Hardware Components you can edit the description, MAC address, serial number and more.

Hardware Components.png

Under IP Addresses you can view, search, and add IP Address information associated with the Hardware.

IP Address.png

Hardware Monitoring

From the hardware page click a specific piece of hardware to view the Monitoring Status.

Hardware Monitoring_2.png

The status will indicate whether the Hardware is Monitored. Click the plus.svg to setup Monitoring. 

Select an existing Monitoring host (if applicable) from the dropdown menu. Click TIE HARDWARE TO HOST to create a connection between that piece of Hardware and the host. 

To add a new host, input a description, monitoring type and the IP or DNS name to Monitor. Select a template from the dropdown menu and enter the SNMP Community String. 

When finished, click ADD NEW HOST to save the details. 

Set Up Monitoring.png

View Hardware Ports

From the hardware page click a specific piece of hardware to view the hardware ports. Then click the menu icon next to the Hardware name in the upper left-hand corner.

Hardware Port Menu.png

Click the drop down arrow next to each slot for a piece of hardware to view the ports. Click the 3-Dot Menumore_vert-24px.svgto quickly view Subscribers, Usage, Alarms, or to Move the Circuit. Click a Port to view more details. Click a Circuit to view attributes.


 Click on the more_vert-24px.svgicon next to the hardware name to access the menu options. 

The settings icon settings-24px.svg will display the hardware configuration for the specific piece of hardware. 

Click on the subscribers icon people-24px.svg to view associated circuits and subscribers. 

The usage iconcall_split-24px.svg lists the number of subscribers served (last mile details) and the number of segments of fiber (plant) associated with the piece of hardware. 

Click on the alarm icon alarm_on-24px.svg to view any notifications associated with the hardware.

Select the connect/swap icon swap_horiz-24px.svg to move a hardware device to a new location. 

Click on the disconnect icon to disconnect the hardware device. 


Click on themore_vert-24px.svgicon next to the hardware port to access the menu options. 

Select the subscriber icon people-24px.svg to view any circuits or subscribers associated with that port. 

The usage iconcall_split-24px.svg lists the number of subscribers served (last mile details) and the number of segments of fiber (plant) associated with the piece of hardware. 

Select the alarm icon alarm_on-24px.svg to view any alarms associated with a subscriber or circuit. 

Click on the move circuit swap-horizontal-variant.svg icon to move the circuit to a new port on the same piece of hardware or a different piece of hardware. 


The hardware port view is a visual representation of your network, showing the path of Circuits from start to finish. Each node in this view designates a different piece of hardware. Click on a node to view more information about that piece of hardware. Lines between a node designate a circuit.


Click on a Line to highlight the Parent Circuit path.


Click on an ONT node to bring up more information about that specific piece of Hardware. The small "S" node attached to this ONT designates a Subscriber.


Here you can view Vendor Configuration, the Parent Circuit, the Subscriber, Usage, Alarms, and its location.
